EdcampUVic 2021 Registration |
For Open Participants
Please note SurveyMonkey is a cloud-based tool located outside of Canada. If you do not consent to sharing your personal information here, you may email your responses to edtech@uvic.ca. Giving your name here means that information and any other information you choose to share on this form will be disclosed and stored on SurveyMonkey's servers. Privacy legislation in B.C. requires we inform you of this and obtain your consent to this arrangement. This consent will be valid from the date you submit this form. In this form are options provide your contact information for registration to a video collaboration event, where your data will be stored privately.
You will be contacted with next steps to participate should room be available and enough time be available to process your request. We recommend that open learners register by 10am PST on Wednesday, March 31, in order to be registered, although we will do our best to attend to any registration requests after this time.