Thank you for participating in the HWDSB Volunteer Policy Consultation. Volunteers are a vital part of our school communities, and your input will help us improve the ways we recruit, support, and recognize those who contribute to student success.

This survey is an important step in understanding the experiences, needs, and ideas of community members, parents/guardians and students. Your responses will guide updates to the HWDSB Volunteer Policy to ensure it is inclusive, accessible, and in alignment with our Multi-Year Strategic Plan and Board Improvement Plan.

This survey should take about five minutes of your time, and your responses will remain confidential. A summary report of themes and ideas will be created by the Research & Analytics team and provided to the policy team to inform updates and revisions to the volunteer policy. Individual survey responses will not leave the Research & Analytics Department.

This survey is open until April 17th.

You can explore additional resources or share more ideas on our EngageHWDSB platform.