Sir Wilfred Grenfell Elementary Seismic Upgrades Question Title * 1. What improvements are you most interested or excited for from the seismic upgrade project? Question Title * 2. Are there considerations or community factors the project team should keep in mind during the seismic upgrade/construction process? Question Title * 3. What topics would you like to hear more about? Swing site Construction process Upgrades and improvements Environmental considerations Transportation plan Community engagement opportunities Other (please specify) None of the above Question Title * 4. How would you like to be updated on the progress of the Grenfell update? (Check all that apply) Email, as registered through the school (parents/guardians) Email, as registered through (general public) School Newsletter Grenfell Webpage Social Media Other (please specify) Question Title * 5. Was the information provided at this information session helpful? Very informative Informative Neutral Not very informative Not informative at all Question Title * 6. How did you learn about the information session? Email notification Social media Mailed flyer Word of mouth (from a friend or neighbour) Other (please specify) Question Title * 7. Did you feel that your questions or concerns were adequately addressed during the session? Yes No Not applicable (I didn't have any questions) Question Title * 8. Do you have any outstanding questions or comments about the Grenfell Elementary seismic upgrade? Question Title * 9. Please indicate which of the following applies to you: Parent of a child attending the school Parent of a child interested in attending the school Student currently attending the school Student interested in attending Local resident (do not have children attending the school) VSB staff Local business owner Park user Other (please specify) Question Title * 10. To help us analyze the geographic distribution of respondents, please provide your postal code (optional). Your information will remain confidential Postal Code Done