
By completing this short, anonymous 6-minute survey, you’ll help ensure that all Peel Region programs, services, and facilities:
  • Are inclusive. This means that people have both the feeling and reality of belonging and have opportunities to achieve their full potential.
  • Are accessible. This means the removal of barriers so that everyone has access and opportunities, regardless of their background or abilities.
Thank you for telling us what we’re doing well and what we can improve. Your answers will help inform Peel Region's 2026-2030 Multi-Year Accessibility Plan (MYAP).

If you’d prefer a printable version, you can download it from our website and email it back to us. For help completing the survey, chat with us online or call 905-791-7800 (toll-free at 1-888-919-7800).

This survey, and the data collected, is stored on a third party server external to the Peel Region.

Click or tap on "Next" to begin.
5% of survey complete.