By completing this form you are registering to participate in USask's 3MT Preliminaries competition.

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* 1. Tell us what level of thesis-based degree you are pursuing.

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* 2. Your program, academic unit and college/school is:

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* 3. What is your first and last name?

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* 4. Your USask NSID is:

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* 5. Your email address is:

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* 6. Yes, I am entering to compete in the virtual preliminaries.

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* 7. If selected, yes, I will compete in person at the finals on April 16th.

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* 8. What's the title of your 3-minute talk?

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* 9. Research Abstract | tell us in 200 words or less (2 paragraphs) about your research. We may use this information to introduce each competitor at the Finals.

The next two steps are very important! We want your 3MT content in a very specific format. Please read the details at our 3MT page.
1. Your slide in a .jpeg format 16:9 ratio
2. A separate video file with you delivering your talk
We must receive your content no later than March 10th at 4:30 PM!

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* 10. Attach the slide you are presenting with (must be a final version).

PDF, PNG, JPG, JPEG file types only.
Choose File
Please record yourself presenting your 3-minute talk | this can be done with your phone or your computer. We will send you a confidential link to drop the file in once you register. We will pair your slide with your will look similar to this when we are done with it. This is what the preliminary judges will be given to review.

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* 11. I am ready to send my video file.

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* 12. I have read and agree to the 3MT® competition rules and eligibility.

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* 13. By checking this box you are confirming that you reviewed the "photography/video consent and waiver" and provide your consent.

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* 14. Attach the release of the personal information form.

PDF, DOC, DOCX file types only.
Choose File

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* 15. I am aware that 3MT competitions are open to the public and if selected as a 3MT finalist, my presentation will be recorded and broadcast in a variety of digital formats (including social media).

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* 16. By checking this box you acknowledge that if your research includes proprietary or culturally sensitive material or if patents are being considered, you have consulted with your supervisor(s) about your entry before registering for the 3MT® competition.